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**Question: What is Essential Hypertension?**

**Answer:** Essential hypertension, also known as primary hypertension, is a chronic condition in which blood pressure ​is elevated without​ an identifiable ⁣underlying cause ‍or secondary⁣ condition.

**Background and Risk Factors:**

* Essential hypertension is the most common type ⁣of hypertension, affecting ‌approximately 90-95%⁣ of‌ individuals with high blood ‌pressure.

* The exact cause is unknown, but it is believed to‍ be influenced by‍ a combination of genetic, environmental, ‍and lifestyle‍ factors.

* Risk factors include:

‍ * Age (increases with age)

⁣ * Genetics (family history)

* Overweight or obesity

* Sedentary‌ lifestyle

* High salt intake

⁣ * Smoking

‍ *​ Alcohol consumption

‌ * Stress

**Symptoms and Diagnosis:**

* Essential hypertension often‍ does not have any noticeable symptoms in⁢ its early stages.

* However, as blood pressure increases, symptoms⁤ may develop, such ‍as:

​ * Headache

‍ * ​Fatigue

* Shortness of‌ breath

⁣ *⁤ Chest pain

​ * Blurred vision

* Diagnosis is based on repeated blood pressure⁢ readings over time that exceed 140/90 mmHg.


* Uncontrolled essential hypertension ⁣can lead to a range ​of complications,⁣ including:

* ‌Heart disease

⁤ *⁤ Stroke

⁤ ​ * Kidney disease

* Eye ⁢damage

* Dementia

**Treatment⁣ Options:**

* Treatment focuses ⁢on lowering blood pressure and managing risk ⁤factors. Options include:

* Lifestyle modifications (diet, exercise, weight loss, smoking cessation)

* Medications (antihypertensives)

* Monitoring and regular follow-up are essential for effective management.

**Additional Information:**

* It is estimated that approximately 1 ​billion people worldwide have essential hypertension.

* ‍Early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent complications.

* Managing essential hypertension ⁤is an ongoing process that requires close collaboration between individuals and​ healthcare professionals.

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