ما هو اضطراب ما قبل الحيض المزعج (PMDD)؟

عذرا ، لم يتم العثور على وظائف.

**What is Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)?**

**Q: What is Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)?**

**A:** Premenstrual ⁤Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is‌ a severe form of​ premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that causes extreme mood swings and‍ other symptoms in the week​ or‍ two leading up ⁢to a woman’s ⁢period. These symptoms ‌significantly interfere with daily life and can ⁤affect work, ⁣relationships, and social functioning.

**Q:⁣ What ‌are the ⁤symptoms ‍of PMDD?**

**A:** ‌Common symptoms of PMDD include:

* **Emotional ⁤symptoms:** irritability, anxiety, depression,⁤ mood swings

* **Physical symptoms:** bloating, ⁤breast ‍tenderness, fatigue, cravings

* **Cognitive symptoms:** difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness,⁣ confusion

* **Behavioral‌ symptoms:** social‍ isolation, difficulty sleeping, increased aggression

**Q: ‍How is PMDD diagnosed?**

**A:** PMDD is diagnosed by​ a doctor, typically based on a patient’s symptoms and a menstrual diary that tracks mood changes and other symptoms over several cycles.

**Q:‍ What causes PMDD?**

**A:** The​ exact cause of PMDD is ‍unknown, but it is⁣ thought to be related⁢ to fluctuations in hormones, particularly⁣ estrogen and⁤ progesterone, ⁤during the menstrual cycle.

**Q: How is PMDD treated?**

**A:** There is no ⁤cure for PMDD, but treatments can help manage symptoms. Options⁢ include:

* **Medication:** antidepressants, hormonal therapy, birth control pills

* **Therapy:** cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy

* **Lifestyle‍ changes:** exercise, diet, stress management

**Q: Is PMDD common?**

**A:** PMDD affects approximately 3-8% ​of ​women of reproductive age.

**Q:‍ What‍ is the ‌difference​ between PMS ⁢and ‍PMDD?**

**A:** PMS is a common condition that‍ causes mild to moderate ⁢symptoms in⁣ the days leading⁣ up to a woman’s period. PMDD is a more⁢ severe form of ​PMS ​that causes extreme symptoms that ⁢significantly interfere with daily life.

**Q: Can⁢ PMDD affect⁢ fertility?**

**A:** PMDD‍ can affect fertility⁤ in ⁤some women, as the hormonal imbalances associated with the disorder can interfere with ovulation.

**Q: Is PMDD a permanent condition?**

**A:** PMDD ⁢is a chronic condition that usually lasts throughout⁢ a woman’s reproductive years. Symptoms ​may improve after menopause.

**Q: Where can I find support for PMDD?**

**A:** There are several⁣ organizations that ‌provide support and resources for women with PMDD, including:

* The International Association for Premenstrual Disorders (IAPMD)

* ⁣The PMDD Awareness Association

* The⁣ Center for Premenstrual Dysphoria and Treatment

تعليق واحد

  1. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. If you are suffering from significant mental health issues, please seek out a doctor. There are doctors who are trained to deal with this specific thing, and it requires specialised knowledge.

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