ما هي الحمى الروماتيزمية؟

عذرا ، لم يتم العثور على وظائف.

**Question: What is Rheumatic ⁤Fever?**


Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory condition that primarily​ affects the heart, joints, skin, and brain. It is a complication of untreated streptococcal throat infections (strep throat)⁤ caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes.

**Symptoms of Rheumatic ‍Fever:**

* Joint⁤ pain and swelling, especially in the knees, ankles, ⁣elbows, and‍ wrists

* Fever

* Muscle weakness and fatigue

* Rapid heart rate

* Chest pain and​ shortness of breath

* Nodules under ⁣the⁣ skin, especially over joints

* Ring-shaped rash on the chest or abdomen

**Causes of Rheumatic Fever:**

Rheumatic fever occurs when the immune ​system mistakenly attacks the⁤ body’s own tissues after a streptococcal infection. The exact ‌reason for‌ this⁢ is unknown, but it is believed⁣ to involve ‌a cross-reactivity between the bacteria and human heart ‍tissue.

**Risk Factors ‌for Rheumatic Fever:**

* **History of streptococcal infections:** Untreated or poorly treated strep throat ‍increases the risk.

* **Age:** The condition is ⁣most common in children aged 5-15 ⁢years.

* **Living conditions:** Overcrowded or unsanitary living conditions can facilitate the spread of‌ streptococcal ​bacteria.

**Diagnosis of Rheumatic Fever:**

Diagnosis requires a combination of symptoms, physical⁣ examination, ⁤and laboratory tests:

* **Physical examination:** Evidence of joint swelling, heart murmur, or skin rash.

* **Blood tests:** Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation‌ rate (ESR) and⁤ C-reactive protein (CRP) levels.

* ⁢**Electrocardiogram (ECG):** Abnormal heart ‍rhythms or murmurs.

**Treatment of Rheumatic Fever:**

Treatment⁢ aims to:

* **Eliminate⁣ streptococcal ⁣infection:** Antibiotics⁣ to clear the bacteria.

* **Reduce inflammation:** Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ⁤(NSAIDs)⁤ or⁤ salicylates to control joint pain ​and​ fever.

* **Prevent complications:** ​Antibiotics to⁢ prevent recurrent infections and steroids to suppress inflammation in severe cases.

**Long-Term Effects of Rheumatic Fever:**

* **Heart‍ damage (rheumatic heart disease):** Inflammation can lead to scarring of‍ heart‌ valves, resulting in valve dysfunction and heart failure.

* **Chronic joint⁣ pain and arthritis**

* **Brain​ damage (Sydenham’s chorea):** ⁤Rare but serious neurological complication causing involuntary muscle movements.

**Prevention of Rheumatic Fever:**

* **Early and adequate treatment of streptococcal infections**

* **Good hygiene practices:** Frequent handwashing and ⁣covering coughs and ‍sneezes.

* **Vaccination:** Regular ​streptococcal vaccinations are not available, but vaccines for⁢ other bacteria‍ that cause throat infections (e.g., Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus ⁣pneumoniae)​ can​ help reduce the risk.

تعليق واحد

  1. Rheumatic fever is caused by an allergic reaction to bacteria that live in the throat. The bacteria are called Group A Streptococci (GAS) and they cause strep throat. The allergic reaction to GAS can cause inflammation in the joints, heart, brain, and skin.

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