ما هو التهاب الجيوب الأنفية الفيروسي (التهاب الجيوب الأنفية)؟

عذرا ، لم يتم العثور على وظائف.

**What is Viral ‍Sinusitis (Sinus Infection)?**

**Q: What is viral sinusitis?**

**A:** Viral sinusitis, ⁢also known as a sinus infection, ⁣is ​a common condition caused by inflammation of the sinuses, the ⁤air-filled cavities in the skull behind‍ the nose ​and eyes. It is ⁢typically caused by a‌ viral‌ infection, ​such as‌ the common cold​ or⁤ flu.

**Q: What causes⁢ viral sinusitis?**

**A:** Viral sinusitis is most often caused by a viral infection, such as:

* Rhinovirus (common cold)

* Influenza virus ‍(flu)

* Respiratory syncytial virus ⁤(RSV)

* ‍Adenovirus

**Q: What are the symptoms of⁣ viral sinusitis?**

**A:** Common symptoms of viral sinusitis include:

* Nasal congestion or runny nose

* Facial pain⁤ and pressure

* ​Headache

* Fever or low-grade temperature

* Cough

* Fatigue

* Reduced sense of smell or taste

* Dental pain

**Q:‌ How is viral sinusitis‍ diagnosed?**

**A:**‍ Diagnosis is typically made based on⁢ symptoms and a physical examination. A doctor may also​ use imaging tests such as a CT⁣ scan or MRI to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other conditions.

**Q: How long does viral sinusitis last?**

**A:** Symptoms of viral sinusitis usually improve within 10-14 days. However, some‍ people may experience lingering⁣ symptoms for several weeks.

**Q: How is viral sinusitis treated?**

**A:** Treatment for viral ‌sinusitis focuses on ⁢symptom relief and includes:

* Over-the-counter pain relievers

* Nasal decongestants

* Nasal saline irrigation

*⁣ Steam inhalation

* Rest and‍ plenty of fluids

**Q:​ Can viral sinusitis​ be prevented?**

**A:** There is no specific vaccine for viral​ sinusitis. However, measures to prevent⁣ the spread of viral infections, such⁣ as:

* Frequent handwashing

*⁤ Avoid touching your face

* Getting vaccinated against the flu

*⁤ Staying home when sick

* Can help reduce the risk⁤ of developing the condition.

**Q: When should I see a doctor for ⁤viral sinusitis?**

**A:** Seek medical attention if:

* Symptoms worsen ‌or⁢ do not⁢ improve ​after 10 days

* You experience severe pain, ⁤fever, or headache

* You develop vision problems or other neurological symptoms

*​ You have a weakened immune system or chronic health conditions

**Q: Are there any complications of ⁢viral sinusitis?**

**A:** In rare cases, viral sinusitis can ⁢lead to complications such as:

* Bacterial sinusitis

* Meningitis

* ‍Orbital cellulitis

*⁢ Osteomyelitis of the skull bone

**Additional Tips for Managing Viral Sinusitis:**

* Use a humidifier to⁣ add moisture to the air.

* Elevate your head ⁤while sleeping to promote sinus drainage.

*⁤ Avoid smoking or being exposed to ‌secondhand smoke.

* Get a prescription for⁢ nasal ​steroids if over-the-counter medications do not provide relief.

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