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## What is Cradle Cap?


Cradle cap, also known‌ as infantile seborrheic dermatitis**, is a common‍ skin condition that affects infants during the first few months of life. It is characterized⁤ by dry, flaky or crusty patches on the scalp, eyebrows, eyelids, or ‍behind the ears.


The exact cause of cradle cap ‌is unknown,​ but it⁣ is believed to‌ be caused by a combination of ​factors,​ including:

* Overproduction ⁤of sebum (oil) by‌ the ⁣sebaceous glands in the scalp

*‍ Malassezia, a type of yeast ⁣that normally‌ lives on ⁢the scalp

* Hormonal changes in the‍ infant


The most common symptom of cradle cap is:

* Dry, scaly‌ or crusty patches ‍on the scalp, ⁣which may​ vary in color from⁣ yellow to white

Other possible symptoms⁤ include:

* Patches on the eyebrows, eyelids, or behind the ears

* Mild redness⁣ or inflammation

* Itching or irritation

* Slight hair loss⁢ in affected areas


While cradle cap is not harmful and usually clears up on its own within a few‌ months,⁢ there are some treatments that can help‌ manage the symptoms:

* ⁢**Shampooing:** Washing the infant’s hair regularly with a gentle baby shampoo can help⁢ remove ‍crusty scales.

* **Moisturizing:** Applying a mild, fragrance-free moisturizer or petroleum jelly to ⁣the affected areas can help soothe and hydrate‌ the skin.

* **Brushing:** Softly brushing the baby’s​ scalp with a soft-bristled ​brush can help loosen⁢ and remove the scales.

* **OTC medications:** Over-the-counter ⁣anti-fungal creams or shampoos containing ingredients like selenium ⁣sulfide ⁤or ketoconazole can help control Malassezia yeast.

* **Medical treatment:**‍ In severe cases, a doctor may prescribe prescription-strength medications‍ or recommend a referral to a dermatologist.


There is no ⁤sure way to prevent cradle cap,⁣ but there are some steps that may help reduce the risk:

* ​Avoid over-washing the baby’s hair or using harsh soaps or shampoos.

* Keep the baby’s scalp clean and dry by using a soft, damp ‍cloth‍ to wipe⁤ away any excess ‍oil or sweat.

* If using a humidifier,⁤ make sure it is⁣ clean and the humidity level is not too high, as this can ⁣promote‍ yeast growth.

**Additional Information:**

* Cradle cap is not contagious and is not a sign ⁤of poor hygiene.

*‌ It is important to avoid using harsh treatments or picking at the crusty patches, as this ​can irritate the skin and lead to infection.

* If‍ the condition does​ not improve with home treatment or if ‌the baby ‍experiences severe ⁢symptoms, it is advisable to seek medical advice⁢ from a healthcare professional‍ or dermatologist.

تعليق واحد

  1. Cradle cap is a common skin condition that affects babies. It is characterized by dry, scaly patches on the scalp. Cradle cap is not contagious and usually goes away on its own within a few months.

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