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**What is Pericardial Effusion?**

**Q: What is pericardial effusion?**

**A:** Pericardial effusion is an abnormal buildup of ​fluid in the pericardial sac, the lining surrounding the heart. ⁤This fluid buildup can ‌put pressure on the ​heart, interfering with its ability to pump blood effectively.

**Q: ​What causes pericardial​ effusion?**

**A:** Pericardial effusion can have various causes, including:

* Infections (e.g., pericarditis, tuberculosis)

* Inflammatory conditions (e.g., lupus, ⁣rheumatoid arthritis)

* Heart failure

* Kidney disease

* Cancer

* Medications or medical procedures

**Q: What ‍are the symptoms of pericardial effusion?**

**A:** Symptoms can vary‌ depending on the severity of fluid buildup. Some common symptoms include:

* Shortness of breath

* Chest discomfort ‌or pain

* Cough

* Fatigue

* Abdominal swelling

* Fluid retention (edema)

**Q: How is pericardial effusion​ diagnosed?**

**A:** Diagnosis typically involves:

* ‌Medical history and ⁤physical⁢ examination

*⁣ Chest ‍X-ray or⁣ ultrasound (echocardiogram)

* Blood tests

* Pericardiocentesis (draining fluid from the‌ pericardial⁣ sac)

**Q: What are the treatments ⁤for pericardial effusion?**

**A:** Treatment depends on the underlying cause and severity of the ‍effusion.⁣ Options⁤ include:

* Medications to reduce inflammation

* Diuretics to remove excess fluid

* Pericardiocentesis ‌to drain fluid

* Surgery in ‌severe cases

**Q: What is⁤ the outlook for patients with pericardial effusion?**

**A:** The prognosis ⁤varies depending on ‌the underlying cause ‍and severity of the‌ effusion. Early ⁣detection and⁣ treatment‌ are crucial to prevent⁤ complications, such as cardiac tamponade or heart failure.

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