ما هي الثديين الليفية الكيسية؟

عذرا ، لم يتم العثور على وظائف.

**Question: What are⁣ Fibrocystic Breasts?**


Fibrocystic breasts are a common non-cancerous condition characterized by ⁣breast lumpiness, tenderness, and pain. ⁢These changes are⁢ influenced by hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle.


* Fibrocystic breasts

* Breast lumpiness

* Breast tenderness

* Breast pain

* Menstrual cycle


Fibrocystic breasts are composed of:

* ​**Fibrosis:** Non-cancerous thickening ​of breast⁢ tissue

* **Cysts:** ‌Fluid-filled sacs within the breasts

These changes can range from mild to ​severe, and⁢ symptoms may vary depending on ⁣hormonal levels.


Common symptoms of‍ fibrocystic breasts include:

* Lumpy breasts with irregular edges

* Pain and tenderness in⁣ one or both breasts

* Swollen breasts before menstruation

* Discharge from the nipples other than breast milk

* Nipple retraction

* Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit


* Non-cancerous

* Irregular edges

* Nipple retraction

* Enlarged​ lymph nodes


Fibrocystic breasts are typically diagnosed ⁣through:

* Physical breast exam by a doctor

* Mammogram (X-ray imaging) to rule out cancer

* Ultrasound for further visualization


* Physical breast exam

* Mammogram

* Ultrasound


Fibrocystic breasts often do not require treatment. However, if symptoms⁣ are bothersome,​ the following options may be considered:

*‌ **Hormonal​ therapy:** Regulate hormonal imbalances

* **Pain⁤ relievers:** Reduce tenderness

* **Avoid caffeine and alcohol:**​ May worsen symptoms

* **Wear a supportive bra:** Minimize discomfort


* Hormonal therapy

* Pain relievers

* Caffeine

* ‍Alcohol

**Additional Information:**

* Fibrocystic breasts are common, affecting up to 50% of⁣ women.

* They typically​ occur during a woman’s reproductive years.

* Fibrocystic breasts do not increase the risk of breast cancer.

* Regular breast self-exams and mammograms are essential for women with fibrocystic breasts.

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