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**Question: ⁢What is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)?**


Benign ⁣Paroxysmal ​Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is a common inner ear disorder characterized by brief episodes of dizziness triggered‍ by specific head movements. It occurs when tiny crystals in the inner ear, called otoconia,⁢ become dislodged and accumulate in the incorrect canal, leading ‍to a disruption in balance signals.


* Head injury

*‌ Aging

* Ear infections

* Certain medical⁣ conditions (e.g.,⁢ migraines)


* Brief (typically less than a minute) episodes ⁤of intense dizziness

* Triggered⁣ by⁣ head movements ⁢such as ​lying down, rolling over, or tilting the head back

* Nausea and⁣ vomiting (in some cases)


A doctor⁢ will typically diagnose BPPV based on patient symptoms⁢ and a physical exam called the ⁢**Dix-Hallpike Maneuver**.


BPPV is generally treated with a simple medical maneuver called the **Epley Maneuver**, which helps to reposition the dislodged crystals. Other treatments ‌include:

* **Canalith ‍Repositioning Maneuvers:** A series of specific head movements performed to help dislodge the crystals

* **Medications:** To relieve symptoms of dizziness, such as ⁤antihistamines or prochlorperazine


BPPV⁣ is typically‌ a benign condition ⁤that resolves within a few weeks or months with appropriate treatment. However, recurrent episodes may‍ occur ‌in some‍ cases.

**Additional ‍Information:**

* BPPV is more common in people over the age of 50.

* ⁤It is often misdiagnosed as a more serious condition such as ​a stroke or‌ a brain ​tumor.

* Vestibular rehabilitation therapy can help improve balance and‌ reduce⁤ dizziness symptoms⁣ in some cases.

* Avoiding certain triggers, such as lying down on the affected ‍side, can help prevent episodes.

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