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**Q: What is Disseminated Tuberculosis?**

**A: Disseminated Tuberculosis (DTB)**, also known as miliary tuberculosis, is a severe and potentially life-threatening condition ⁤in which Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) bacteria spread ⁣throughout the body, leading to widespread infection.

**Key ‍Symptoms of ‍Disseminated ‍Tuberculosis**

*‌ Fever

* Chills

* ⁢Night‍ sweats

* Weakness and fatigue

* Weight loss

* Loss of appetite

* Confusion

* Abdominal pain

* Chest pain

*⁤ Shortness of breath

**Causes of Disseminated Tuberculosis**

* Weakened immune system (e.g., due to HIV/AIDS, داء السكري, cancer)

* ⁤Uncontrolled or untreated primary tuberculosis infection

* Infected blood or body⁤ fluids entering systemic circulation

**Diagnosis of Disseminated Tuberculosis**

* Medical history and physical examination

* Imaging tests (e.g., chest ‌X-ray, CT scan) to detect ​lesions in‍ various organs

*​ Blood tests ‌to ​identify TB antibodies or bacteria

* Sputum or fluid samples for‌ culture and staining

**Treatment for Disseminated Tuberculosis**

* Long-term antibiotic ‍therapy⁤ (usually four anti-tuberculosis drugs for 9-12 months ‍or more)

*‌ Hospitalization and isolation in severe cases

* Close monitoring and follow-up to ensure effective treatment and prevent complications

**Risk Factors for ⁤Disseminated​ Tuberculosis**

* Immunocompromised individuals

* Diabetes

* Chronic kidney disease

* End-stage ‍liver disease

* Diabetes


* Recent immigrants from ‌TB-endemic countries

**Complications of Disseminated Tuberculosis**

* Lung⁢ damage

* Liver ⁣damage

* Kidney ⁤damage

* Bone and joint⁢ infections

* Meningitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord ⁢membranes)

* Death

**Prevention of Disseminated Tuberculosis**

* Prompt and effective treatment of primary TB infection

* Immunization with the Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) ⁣vaccine ​in high-risk areas

**Other Relevant Keywords:**

* Tuberculosis

* Miliary tuberculosis

* Systemic tuberculosis

* Mycobacterium tuberculosis

* Immunosuppression

* Anti-tuberculosis drugs

2 تعليقات

  1. Disseminated tuberculosis (also called miliary tuberculosis) is a rare but serious form of tuberculosis (TB) that occurs when the bacteria that cause TB spread through the bloodstream and affect other parts of the body.

  2. Disseminated tuberculosis (also called miliary tuberculosis) is a rare but serious form of tuberculosis (TB) that occurs when the bacteria that cause TB spread through the bloodstream and affect other parts of the body.

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