ما هي عدوى الهربس النطاقي؟

**Q:⁤ What⁣ is Herpes Zoster Infection?**

**A:** Herpes zoster ⁢infection, commonly‌ known⁢ as⁤ shingles, is a viral infection that causes a painful rash ‌on one side of the body. It is caused by the varicella-zoster‍ virus (VZV), the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person has chickenpox, the virus remains dormant in the nervous ⁤system. Years or decades later, the virus⁤ can‌ reactivate and ‍cause shingles.

**Q: What are the Symptoms of Herpes​ Zoster Infection?**

**A:** ‍The most⁢ common‌ symptom of⁢ herpes ⁣zoster infection is a painful rash. ⁣The rash⁤ usually appears on one side of the body⁣ and can be accompanied by:

* Tingling​ or burning ⁢sensation

* ​Itching

*​ Blisters that break open ⁣and crust over

*​ Sensitivity to touch

* ​Fever

* Headache

* Fatigue

**Q:‍ Who⁢ is at Risk for Herpes Zoster Infection?**

**A:**‌ Anyone who has had ⁣chickenpox is at ⁤risk ​for developing ​shingles, but the risk is ⁤highest ⁢in:

* People over the age ‍of 50

* People with weakened immune​ systems

* People who take certain​ medications, such ​as steroids

**Q: How is Herpes Zoster‌ Infection Diagnosed?**

**A:** ​Herpes​ zoster infection is diagnosed by a⁢ physical ‌examination and a review ‌of the patient’s medical history. ‍In some cases, a blood test or‍ a skin biopsy may be necessary to confirm ⁣the diagnosis.

**Q: How⁤ is ⁣Herpes Zoster Infection Treated?**

**A:**⁤ Antiviral medications, such ​as acyclovir, valacyclovir, and⁣ famciclovir, are used to treat herpes zoster infection. These medications can help ⁢shorten the duration and severity of the infection if ⁢they are started within 72 hours of the onset of symptoms.

**Q: Can Herpes ⁣Zoster‌ Infection Be Prevented?**

**A:** There is a vaccine available to prevent herpes zoster infection. The vaccine is recommended for people over the age ⁣of 50 and people with weakened immune ⁢systems.

**Q: What are the Complications of Herpes Zoster Infection?**

**A:** In some cases, herpes zoster infection can lead to‌ serious complications, such as:

* Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN): A chronic pain condition that can develop after the rash ⁢has​ healed

* ‍Encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain

* ⁢Meningitis: Inflammation of the⁢ membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord

**Additional​ Information:**

Herpes zoster infection is a‍ common viral infection that can cause a painful rash. It is important to‌ seek medical‌ attention if⁣ you develop‌ symptoms of herpes zoster ⁤infection, as early​ treatment can help reduce the risk of ⁤complications. ⁢There are ⁣vaccines available to‍ prevent ⁤herpes zoster infection, and it is recommended ‍for people ‌over​ the age of 50 and people with weakened⁤ immune systems.

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