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**What is Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus?**

**Q: What is Herpes​ Zoster Ophthalmicus (HZO)?**

**A:** Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus (HZO) is a viral infection that affects the eye and ⁣the area around ⁣it. It is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a ‌person has chickenpox, the virus ⁤can lie dormant in the body for years. In some cases,⁤ it can ⁤reactivate later⁤ in ⁢life, causing HZO.

**Q: What are the symptoms of HZO?**

**A:** Symptoms of HZO can include:

* Pain‍ in the eye

* Redness in the ⁤eye

* ⁤Sensitivity to light

* Blurred vision

*⁤ Double vision

* Headache

* Fever

* Fatigue

**Q: How is HZO diagnosed?**

**A:** HZO is diagnosed based on a physical examination of the eye​ and a review of the patient’s medical⁢ history. The doctor may ‌also order a blood test or a corneal scraping to⁣ confirm the diagnosis.

**Q: How ⁤is HZO treated?**

**A:** Treatment for HZO includes:

* ⁣Antiviral medications, such as acyclovir, valacyclovir, or ⁢famciclovir

* Topical corticosteroids to reduce inflammation

* Artificial tears to lubricate the eye

* Pain medication

**Q: What⁣ are⁢ the complications ‌of HZO?**

**A:** Complications ⁢of HZO can include:

* Permanent vision loss

* Corneal scarring

* Glaucoma

* Cataracts

* Retinitis

* Optic nerve damage

**Q: How can I prevent HZO?**

**A:** There is no cure for HZO, but it can be prevented by‍ getting ‌the varicella vaccine. The varicella vaccine is‍ a live vaccine that contains⁤ a weakened ⁣form of the VZV. The vaccine is given ⁢in two doses, one at 12-15 months ‍of age and the other at‌ 4-6 years of age.

**Q: Who is at risk for HZO?**

**A:** Anyone who⁢ has had chickenpox is at risk ​for HZO. However, the ‌risk is highest in people who are over 60‌ years of age, people who ​have weakened ⁢immune systems, and people⁤ who ⁣take ‌immunosuppressive⁢ medications.


Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus (HZO) is a serious infection that can lead to permanent vision loss. It is caused​ by the varicella-zoster⁣ virus (VZV), the same virus that causes chickenpox.‍ There is no cure for HZO, but ‌it can be prevented⁢ by getting the varicella vaccine.

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