ما هو فرط نشاط الغدة الدرقية؟

عذرا ، لم يتم العثور على وظائف.

**What is Hyperthyroidism?**

Hyperthyroidism, also‌ known as thyrotoxicosis, is a medical condition characterized by excessive production of thyroid ⁢hormones by the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ ⁤located at the base of the neck. It produces hormones that regulate metabolism, body temperature, ‍growth, and other important bodily functions.

**Causes of Hyperthyroidism:**

* **Graves’‍ disease:** An autoimmune disorder that causes ⁢the immune system to attack the thyroid​ gland, leading to increased thyroid hormone production.

* **Toxic nodular goiter:** Nodules or lumps develop within the ⁤thyroid gland, ⁢which produce excessive amounts of thyroid ​hormones.

* **Toxic adenoma:** A single nodule ⁤develops ​within the thyroid gland and produces excessive ⁢thyroid hormones.

**Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism:**

Hyperthyroidism can manifest in various ‍symptoms, including:

* Rapid or irregular heartbeat

* Weight loss

*⁢ Increased appetite

* Nervousness and anxiety

* Fatigue

* Difficulty sleeping

* Heat sensitivity

* Sweating

* Diarrhea

* Muscle weakness

* Brittle hair and nails

**Diagnosis of Hyperthyroidism:**

Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism involves physical examination, medical history, and⁢ blood tests. Blood tests can measure levels of thyroid hormones and thyroid-stimulating hormone⁢ (TSH). High levels of thyroid hormones and low levels of TSH ​indicate⁢ hyperthyroidism.

**Treatment Options for ‌Hyperthyroidism:**

Treatment for hyperthyroidism⁣ aims‍ to reduce thyroid hormone production and alleviate symptoms. Options include:

* **Anti-thyroid medications:**⁢ These ⁢medications block thyroid hormone synthesis.

* **Radioactive iodine:**⁣ Radioactive iodine is administered orally ⁤and destroys thyroid⁢ cells, reducing hormone production.

* **Thyroidectomy:** Surgical removal of the thyroid gland is ‍performed in severe cases.

**Complications of ‌Hyperthyroidism:**

Untreated hyperthyroidism can ⁤lead to various complications, such as:

* Thyroid storm: A‍ life-threatening ‍condition characterized by severe symptoms, including fever, extreme tachycardia, and confusion.

* ​Heart disease

* Eye⁤ problems (Graves’ ⁢ophthalmopathy)

* Osteoporosis

* Pregnancy complications

**SEO-Optimized Keywords:**

* Hyperthyroidism

* Thyrotoxicosis

* Thyroid Hormone

* Graves’ Disease

*‍ Toxic Nodular Goiter

*⁣ Toxic Adenoma

* Rapid Heartbeat

* Weight Loss

* ‌Anxiety

* Blood Test

* ⁢Anti-Thyroid Medications

* Radioactive Iodine

* Thyroidectomy

* Thyroid Storm

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