ما هي عدوى الأذن الوسطى؟

عذرا ، لم يتم العثور على وظائف.

**Question: What is Middle Ear Infection?**


A middle ear infection (otitis media) is a common ear condition among children, but adults can also be affected. It occurs when fluid or pus accumulates in the middle ear, the air-filled space behind the eardrum, causing inflammation and pain.

**Symptoms of Middle Ear Infection:**

* Ear pain, which may worsen when lying down

* ⁣Fever

* Fluid discharge from the ear

* Hearing loss or muffled hearing

* Balance problems

* Headache

**Causes of Middle Ear Infection:**

* Bacteria, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus‌ influenzae

* Viruses, such as the common cold or flu virus

*​ Allergies

* Enlarged adenoids (lymph nodes behind the nose)

* Cleft palate

**Risk Factors for Middle Ear ⁤Infection:**

* Young ⁤age⁤ (especially children under 5)

* Exposure to cigarette smoke

*⁤ Frequent exposure to colds and respiratory infections

* Bottle-feeding, especially ⁣when lying down

**Diagnosis of Middle Ear‍ Infection:**

A healthcare provider can diagnose a middle ear infection by examining the ear using an otoscope, a lighted instrument that allows them to visualize‍ the eardrum.

**Treatment for Middle Ear Infection:**

Treatment depends on the severity of the infection and whether it is caused by‍ bacteria or viruses:

* **Bacterial‌ Infection:** Antibiotics are typically prescribed to treat bacterial ‍infections.

* **Viral Infection:** Treatment focuses on symptom relief, such as pain relievers (ibuprofen or acetaminophen) and decongestants.

In some cases, surgery may be necessary to insert ventilation tubes​ into the eardrum to drain fluid‌ and prevent further infections.

**Prevention of Middle Ear Infection:**

* Vaccinate children against the pneumococcus and influenza bacteria.

* Avoid exposure ⁤to cigarette smoke.

* Avoid​ prone positioning during bottle-feeding.

*‍ Treat colds and respiratory infections promptly.

**Complications of Middle Ear Infection:**

* Perforated eardrum

* Permanent hearing loss

* Mastoiditis (infection‌ of the bone‌ behind the ear)

* ⁤Meningitis (infection of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord)

**Additional FAQs:**

* **Can middle ear infections‌ affect balance?**​ Yes, fluid in the middle ear can interfere with balance, causing dizziness or vertigo.

* **How long​ does a middle ear infection typically last?** Symptoms usually improve within a few days, but the ⁤infection ​may take longer to clear completely.

* **When should I seek medical attention for a middle ear infection?** Contact a healthcare provider if you experience severe pain, fever, or discharge from the ear.

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