ما هو الاجهاض؟

عذرا ، لم يتم العثور على وظائف.

**What is Miscarriage?**

**Question: What is miscarriage?**

**Answer:** A miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion, is the premature loss ‍of a pregnancy before 20 weeks of gestation. It ​is a common occurrence, affecting approximately⁢ 10-20% of known pregnancies.

**Question: ​What are the signs ⁤and symptoms of miscarriage?**

**Answer:** Common signs and symptoms⁣ include:

* Vaginal bleeding or spotting

* Pelvic pain or cramping

* Back pain

* Tissue or fluid passing from the vagina

**Question: What are ‍the risk factors for miscarriage?**

**Answer:** Risk‍ factors for miscarriage include:

* Age of the mother (over 35)

* History‍ of miscarriage

* ⁤Certain ⁤medical ⁢conditions (e.g., thyroid disorders, diabetes)

* Smoking ‍or alcohol consumption

* Use of certain medications

*⁤ Genetic abnormalities in‍ the fetus

**Question: How is‌ miscarriage diagnosed?**

**Answer:** Diagnosis involves:

* Medical ⁢history and physical exam

* Blood tests (e.g., to​ measure pregnancy hormones)

* Ultrasound examination to confirm the loss of pregnancy

**Question: What is the treatment for miscarriage?**

**Answer:** In most cases, miscarriage is ⁣inevitable and no treatment ‍is necessary. However, in some cases, medical intervention may be needed to manage complications, such ‌as excessive bleeding or infection.

**Question: What are emotional effects ⁢of miscarriage?**

**Answer:** Miscarriage can ‌have ‍significant emotional impact, including:

* Grief

* Guilt

* Anger

* Anxiety

* Depression

**Question: What⁤ can I do to support someone who had a miscarriage?**

**Answer:** Ways to support someone who has miscarried⁣ include:

* Offer practical help, such as running errands or cooking meals.

* Provide emotional support by listening and validating their feelings.

* Respect their need ⁢for privacy and space.

* Encourage them to seek professional help if needed.

**Additional Information:**

* Most miscarriages occur in the ‍first trimester.

* Risk of miscarriage decreases with each subsequent pregnancy.

* There are support groups available for individuals experiencing miscarriage.

* Miscarriage is often a preventable event​ with ⁢proper prenatal care.

2 تعليقات

  1. A miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before 23 weeks of gestation, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).

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