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Q: What‍ is Pneumonia?

A: Pneumonia is a lung infection caused ‍by⁤ bacteria, viruses, or fungi that inflames the air sacs in one ⁣or ⁢both lungs. The air sacs become filled ⁣with fluid or⁣ pus, which makes‍ breathing difficult. Pneumonia can range⁤ from⁢ mild to life-threatening.

**What are the symptoms of pneumonia?**

Symptoms of pneumonia can include:

– Cough, with or without colored mucus

– Fever,​ chills, and shaking

– Shortness of breath

– Chest pain

– Fatigue

– Loss of appetite

– Confusion, especially in older adults

– Bluish-colored lips or fingernails

**What are the risk factors for pneumonia?**

Risk factors for pneumonia include:

– Age: People over ⁤65 and under 2 are at‌ highest risk.

– Weak immune system: People with weakened immune systems, such as those with ‍HIV/AIDS, cancer, or diabetes, are at increased risk.

– Chronic⁣ lung conditions:⁣ People with chronic lung conditions, such as asthma, COPD, or cystic fibrosis, are at increased risk.

– Smoking: Smoking damages the lungs and makes them more susceptible to infection.

– ⁣Alcohol abuse: Alcohol abuse can weaken the⁤ immune ​system and make people more susceptible to infection.

-​ Recent hospitalization: People who have recently been hospitalized are at increased risk for pneumonia.

– Aspiration: Inhaling food, liquid, or vomit into the ​lungs can lead to pneumonia.

**How is pneumonia diagnosed?**

Pneumonia is diagnosed based on a physical examination, a ⁢patient’s ⁣medical history, ‍and a chest X-ray.

**How is pneumonia treated?**

Treatment for pneumonia depends on the cause of the infection.

– Bacterial pneumonia: Treated with antibiotics.

– Viral pneumonia: Treated with antiviral medications.

– Fungal pneumonia: Treated with antifungal medications.

In addition to medication, treatment‌ may also include:

– Rest

– Fluids

– ‍Oxygen therapy

– Cough suppressants

– Pain‌ relievers

**How can pneumonia be prevented?**

There are several things you can do to help prevent pneumonia, including:

-‌ Get vaccinated: There are‌ two‍ vaccines available to ​prevent pneumonia: the pneumococcal vaccine and the Haemophilus influenzae ​type b (Hib) vaccine.

– Practice ​good ‌hygiene: Wash your hands frequently ‍and ‌cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.

– ⁣Avoid smoking: Smoking damages the ⁣lungs and ⁤makes them more susceptible to infection.

– Get enough rest: ‌When you’re tired, your immune system is weakened.

– Eat a healthy diet: A healthy diet helps to keep your immune system strong.

– Exercise regularly: Exercise helps to keep your lungs healthy.

**When to see a doctor**

If you have⁣ any symptoms of pneumonia, it’s important to see a doctor right⁤ away. Early diagnosis and treatment can help to prevent serious complications.

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