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**What is‍ Tonsillitis?**

**Q: What is tonsillitis?**

**A:** ⁣Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, two small glands⁤ located at‍ the back of the throat.⁢ Tonsils help trap‌ germs and prevent infection, but they can become infected themselves.⁣ When⁢ this happens, tonsillitis develops.

**Q: What ⁤are the symptoms ⁣of tonsillitis?**

**A:** Symptoms​ of ‍tonsillitis may‍ include:

* Sore throat

* Difficulty swallowing

* ‍Red, swollen tonsils with white streaks of pus

* Hoarseness

* Fever

* Chills

* Headache

* Muscle aches

* Fatigue

**Q: What causes tonsillitis?**

**A:**​ Tonsillitis is‌ most commonly ‌caused by a viral infection, such as the common ⁣cold or flu. It can also be​ caused by a bacterial infection, ‌such ​as Streptococcus pneumoniae.

**Q: How is ​tonsillitis diagnosed?**

**A:** Tonsillitis is typically diagnosed based on a physical examination of the throat. The doctor will look for signs ⁣of inflammation, swelling, and pus. A throat swab may also be taken⁤ to confirm the diagnosis.

**Q: ⁤How is tonsillitis treated?**

**A:** Treatment⁤ for tonsillitis ​depends on⁤ the cause of the infection. For viral tonsillitis, treatment​ focuses on ‌relieving symptoms. This‍ may include:

* Over-the-counter⁤ pain relievers

* Gargling ‌with salt water

* ⁣Rest

For bacterial tonsillitis, antibiotics ⁣are​ prescribed to kill the bacteria. It is important to take the ⁤full course of antibiotics, even‌ if⁤ symptoms improve, to prevent ‍the ‌infection from⁣ recurring.

**Q: Can tonsillitis be prevented?**

**A:** ‌There is no surefire way to prevent tonsillitis, but there are some things you ⁤can do to reduce your risk, such ​as:

* Washing your hands frequently

* Avoiding⁣ contact ​with people who⁤ are sick

* Getting enough rest

* Eating a healthy diet

*‌ Quitting smoking

**Q: When⁣ should​ I‌ see ⁣a doctor for tonsillitis?**

**A:** See a doctor if:

* Your symptoms are ⁤severe or do not improve after ⁢a few days

* You have a⁣ high fever

* You have difficulty breathing

* ‌You ​have ​other ⁣symptoms,⁣ such as a rash or ⁣joint pain

**Tonsillitis ⁣Treatment Options:**

* Antibiotics (bacterial tonsillitis)

* Tonsillectomy (if tonsillitis⁣ is severe ‍or recurrent)

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