ما هو الرعاش مجهول السبب؟

عذرا ، لم يتم العثور على وظائف.

**Q: What is essential tremor?**

**A: Essential tremor (ET)** is a neurological disorder that causes involuntary shaking​ of ‌the hands, head, or other body parts. While it often affects the hands,⁤ it can also manifest in the voice, legs, or torso. ET is considered “essential” because its exact cause remains unknown, distinguishing it from ‍tremors caused by other‍ underlying medical conditions.

**Q:⁣ What are the symptoms of essential tremor?**

**A:** The primary symptom of ET is rhythmic, involuntary trembling of various body parts, including:

* **Hands:** Shaking while holding objects, writing, or performing fine motor tasks

* ​**Head:** Oscillating movements of the head (nodding ⁣or side-to-side)

* **Voice:** Trembling during ‍speech, leading to a quivering ⁤or strained voice

* **Legs:** Shaking while standing or walking

* ⁤**Torso:** Gentle trembling of the body

**Q: What causes essential tremor?**

**A:** The precise cause of ET is still unknown. However, researchers believe it may ‌be related to abnormal ​activity⁣ in‍ certain parts of⁣ the brain, specifically the cerebellum and basal ganglia, which are involved​ in coordinating movement.

**Q: How is essential⁤ tremor diagnosed?**

**A:**⁢ Diagnosis of ET primarily ​involves a physical examination by a neurologist. The neurologist will assess the pattern of tremor and rule out other potential causes, such as Parkinson’s disease or​ thyroid⁣ disorders. ‌Additional tests, like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), may be recommended to confirm the diagnosis.

**Q: What are the treatment options for essential tremor?**

**A:** ⁣Treatment for ET aims to reduce tremor severity and improve daily functionality. Options include:

* **Medications:** Medications such as propranolol and primidone can ⁣help control tremors.

* **Botulinum toxin injections:** ​These injections can paralyze‍ muscles responsible for tremors, ‍offering temporary relief.

* **Deep brain stimulation (DBS):** A surgical procedure⁤ that involves implanting electrodes in the brain ​to regulate abnormal brain activity.

* **Focused ⁢ultrasound:** A non-invasive technique that uses ultrasound energy to target and disrupt the part ⁢of the brain causing⁤ tremors.

**Q: ⁢Is essential tremor curable?**

**A:** There is currently no ​cure ⁣for ‌ET. However, with appropriate treatment,⁣ many individuals can effectively manage their symptoms and maintain a good​ quality of life.

**Q:‍ How does essential tremor affect daily activities?**

**A:** ET‌ can impact daily ⁣routines and social activities in various ways, including:

* Difficulty with fine motor skills, such as writing ‍or eating

* Social embarrassment or anxiety due to visible tremors

*⁤ Interruption of sleep or difficulty with daily tasks like cooking

* Reduced productivity or job-related challenges

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