ما هي علامات السكتة الدماغية؟

عذرا ، لم يتم العثور على وظائف.

**Question: ⁤What⁣ are the Signs of Stroke?**


A stroke, also known ⁤as a ‍cerebrovascular accident (CVA), occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted or reduced. This can cause cells to die, leading ‍to neurological damage and potential long-term disabilities. Recognizing the signs‌ of stroke⁣ is crucial for seeking immediate medical attention and potentially reducing the severity​ of its effects.

**Key Signs ‍and Symptoms:**

1.⁣ **Sudden Weakness or Paralysis:** On⁢ one side of the body, in the face,⁢ arm, or leg.

2. **Difficulty Speaking ‌or Understanding Speech:** Slurred or incoherent speech, or comprehension issues.

3. **Vision Problems:** Blindness, double vision, or loss of ⁢vision in one eye.

4. **Dizziness or Vertigo:** Severe dizziness or a sensation of spinning.

5. **Headache:** Sudden, severe headache with no known cause.

6. **Loss of Consciousness:** Complete or partial loss of consciousness.

7. **Trouble⁣ Walking:** Difficulty with‍ walking, balance,⁤ or coordination.

**Other​ Warning Signs:**

*⁤ Nausea ​or ​vomiting

* Confusion or​ disorientation

* Fatigue or weakness

* Sensory changes (e.g., tingling or numbness)

**Remember:** The acronym **FAST** can help you identify stroke symptoms quickly:

*⁣ **F**ace​ drooping

* **A**rm weakness

* **S**peech difficulty

* **T**ime to call for‍ help ⁣immediately

**When ‌to Seek Medical Attention:**

If​ you or someone you know experiences ‌any of these symptoms, call 911 or your local emergency⁣ number immediately. Timely ‌medical intervention ‌can significantly improve‍ outcomes in stroke cases.

**Additional Information:**

* Transient ⁢ischemic attacks⁤ (TIAs) are‌ temporary interruptions of blood flow to the brain that can cause similar symptoms to strokes but resolve quickly. TIAs are a warning sign and require prompt evaluation to prevent a future stroke.

* The type and severity ‍of stroke ‍symptoms‌ can vary depending on the location and extent⁣ of the blockage or damage‍ in the brain.

* Risk factors for stroke include⁣ high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking,​ heart ‍disease, and‍ family history.

* If you have any concerns about⁣ your ‍risk of stroke ​or have experienced‍ any potential​ symptoms, consult your doctor⁤ for assessment and advice on preventive measures.

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