علامات التهاب الأذن

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**Q: What are the Signs of an Ear Infection?**

**A:** An ear infection, also known ⁢as otitis media, is a common condition affecting people of all ages.‍ It occurs when fluid accumulates ⁢in the middle ear, ⁤typically due to bacterial or viral infection. Here are some ⁢common signs and symptoms of an ear infection:

**1. Ear Pain:**

Persistent ear pain is the most prominent symptom. It can range from mild discomfort to severe throbbing.

**2. Fluid Discharge:**

A watery or pus-like discharge⁣ from ‍the affected ear may indicate a burst eardrum or​ an active infection.

**3. Hearing Loss:**

Fluid buildup in the middle‌ ear can interfere with sound conduction, leading to temporary hearing⁢ loss.

**4. Fever:**

A fever may accompany an⁢ ear infection, especially in young children.

**5. Dizziness and Nausea:**

In severe cases, ear infections ‍can cause dizziness or nausea due to disturbance in the balance system ‍of the inner ear.

**6. Irritability and Fussiness:**

Infants and young children may show irritability, crying, or fussiness as​ a sign of ear pain.

**7. Earaches When Lying Down:**

Lying down increases pressure in ⁢the middle ear, which can worsen discomfort.

**8. Ear Tugging:**

Infants and‌ toddlers⁣ may tug​ or pull at their affected ear to relieve‌ pain.

**9. Popping or Crackling Sounds:**

Fluid buildup can cause popping or crackling sounds in the ear.

**10. Reduced Appetite:**

Pain and discomfort can interfere​ with eating and lead ‌to decreased appetite.

**Additional Important Information:**

It’s important to note that not all ear infections⁤ exhibit the same​ symptoms. Some may​ only cause mild discomfort, while others can be severe⁣ and require ⁢medical attention. If you experience any ear pain or discomfort, it’s recommended to seek prompt medical⁤ evaluation to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

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