ما هو تحص الكلية (حصوات الكلى)؟

**Q: What is Nephrolithiasis (Kidney Stones)?**

**A:** Nephrolithiasis, commonly known⁢ as kidney stones, refers to the formation of solid mineral‍ deposits within the urinary tract, specifically⁣ in the kidneys.‌ These​ stones can ⁣vary⁤ in size,‍ ranging from small pebble-like​ crystals to larger⁤ masses⁢ that ⁢obstruct urine flow.

**Q: What Causes Kidney Stones?**

**A:** Kidney stones develop due to a ​combination of‍ factors, ⁢including:

* **Dehydration:** Inadequate​ fluid intake concentrates ⁣urine, leading to‍ the crystallization of minerals.

* **Diet:** Consuming certain foods high in oxalates (spinach, rhubarb), calcium (dairy products),⁣ or sodium can contribute to stone‍ formation.

* **Medical conditions:** Conditions like hyperparathyroidism, ​gout, and diabetes can alter urine chemistry, increasing the risk of stones.

* **Family ‍history:** Genetic​ factors can ​influence the‍ predisposition‍ to stone formation.

**Q: What ​are the⁤ Symptoms of Kidney Stones?**

**A:** Symptoms can vary depending on⁣ the size‌ and location of the stone:

* Severe flank pain radiating to the lower ⁢abdomen or‌ groin

* Painful urination (dysuria)

* Frequent urination (polyuria)

* Nausea‌ and vomiting

* Fever and chills (if an infection develops)

**Q: How are Kidney ⁤Stones Diagnosed?**

**A:** Diagnosis involves ​a‌ medical⁣ history review, physical examination, and various ⁢tests:

* ⁢**Urinalysis:** ⁢Analyzes the‍ composition of urine for⁢ signs of blood, crystals, or⁢ bacteria.

* **Blood tests:** ​Measures blood creatinine levels to assess kidney function.

* **Imaging tests:** X-rays, CT scans, or⁤ ultrasounds‌ can visualize⁢ the presence ‌and location of stones.

**Q: How⁤ are Kidney Stones ​Treated?**

**A:** ‍Treatment depends on the size, location, and composition‌ of‍ the stone:

* **Medical Expulsion ⁢Therapy:** Non-surgical approach using medications ⁤to help ​the⁤ stone pass spontaneously through ​the urinary tract.

* **Shock Wave Lithotripsy:** Non-invasive procedure using ultrasound waves to break up stones into smaller fragments, making them easier to pass.

* **Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL):** Surgical procedure where⁢ a small⁢ incision ‌is made in the back⁢ to remove larger stones directly ‌from the kidney.

* **Ureteroscopy:**⁢ Minimally ‍invasive procedure using a thin tube and laser to ⁤fragment and remove stones from the ureter.

**Q: How can ​Kidney⁤ Stones be Prevented?**

**A:** ​Preventive measures⁢ include:

* **Adequate Hydration:** Stay well-hydrated to dilute‍ urine and prevent⁣ stone formation.

* **Balanced Diet:** Consume⁣ a healthy diet limiting‌ oxalate- and sodium-rich foods.

* **Weight Management:**⁢ Obesity increases the risk of stones.

* **Medical Treatment:** Addressing⁣ underlying medical conditions that increase stone formation.

* **Regular Urinary Tract Monitoring:** For individuals⁤ with a history of kidney stones, regular check-ups and imaging tests can help detect stones early.

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