من هو طبيب الأطفال؟

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**What Is a Pediatrician?**


A pediatrician is a ⁤medical doctor⁢ specializing in the care of infants, children, and adolescents from birth to​ 21 years of age. ​They focus on⁣ the physical, mental, and behavioral well-being of young patients, providing comprehensive care throughout their developmental‍ stages.

**Scope of Practice:**

Pediatricians are responsible for a⁣ wide range of services, including:

* Well-child checkups and immunizations

* Diagnosis and treatment​ of acute and chronic illnesses

*⁤ Management of⁤ developmental ‌concerns

* Nutrition and feeding guidance

* Injury​ prevention and treatment

* Behavioral and emotional ⁢health support

**Training and Education:**

To become a pediatrician, individuals complete the following‌ steps:

* Obtain ​a ‍bachelor’s degree ‍in pre-medicine ‍or a related field

* ​Attend medical school and⁤ graduate with a Doctor⁢ of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree

* Complete a three-year residency program ⁢in pediatrics

* Pass the American Board of Pediatrics certification exam


Within the field of pediatrics, numerous subspecialties exist, including:

*⁢ Neonatology (care of newborns)

* Pediatric cardiology (heart conditions)

* Pediatric oncology (cancer treatment)

* Pediatric nephrology (kidney disease)

* Pediatric ​gastroenterology (digestive system disorders)

**Role in Patient⁢ Care:**

Pediatricians play a vital role in ensuring the optimal health and well-being ‍of young patients. They provide comprehensive and age-appropriate care, promoting healthy development and preventing or treating various medical conditions.


Pediatricians are essential healthcare providers for children and adolescents, as ​they possess specialized knowledge and expertise in ⁣dealing ⁤with the ‌unique‍ health challenges and developmental needs of this population.

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