طبيب الطب الرياضي

Sports Medicine Physicians are specialized doctors who focus on treating athletes and those involved in physical activities. Their expertise lies in preventing injuries related to sports and exercise, as well as offering effective treatment and rehabilitation if such injuries do occur. They use their in-depth knowledge of sports medicine to help keep you active and in top physical condition. This description has been tailored to be easily understood by the average person, using straightforward language and putting the specialty name, ‘Sports Medicine Physician’, right at the start for clarity.

من هو طبيب الطب الرياضي؟

الطب الرياضي

الطب الرياضي والتمارين الرياضية (SEM) هو العلاج بالوسائل الطبية والجراحية والتأهيلية لجميع هياكل الجهاز العضلي الهيكلي التي تتأثر بالنشاط الرياضي. يتخصص أطباء SEM في تشخيص وعلاج أي حالات طبية تؤثر على الأفراد أو الرياضيين النشطين بدنيًا ...