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**Question: What is ‍Chronic Gastritis?**


Chronic gastritis is a​ long-lasting (chronic) inflammation of the lining of the stomach (gastric mucosa). It can be caused by various factors, including:

* **Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection:** This⁣ bacteria is ⁤the most common cause of chronic gastritis.

* **Autoimmune disorders:** ‍The immune⁤ system mistakenly ‍attacks ⁢the stomach’s‍ lining.

* **Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs):** Prolonged use of these ⁤medications can ⁤damage the‌ stomach lining.

* **Alcohol abuse:** Excessive alcohol consumption can irritate⁤ and erode the gastric mucosa.

**Types​ of Chronic ‍Gastritis:**

There ‌are two main types of⁢ chronic gastritis:

* **Type‍ A:** Primarily affects ‍the body of ⁢the stomach; associated with autoimmune⁤ disorders.

* **Type B:** Primarily affects the⁢ antrum (lower part of the stomach); usually ⁤caused by H. pylori infection.


Chronic ⁣gastritis often has no symptoms. However, some individuals may experience:

* Abdominal‍ pain or discomfort

* Indigestion

* Nausea or vomiting

* Bloating

* Heartburn

* Loss of appetite

* Weight⁣ loss (in ⁣severe cases)


Chronic ‍gastritis can‌ be diagnosed​ through:

* ​**Upper endoscopy:** A thin, flexible ‌tube with ⁣a ‌camera is inserted into the stomach‍ to visualize its lining.

* **Biopsy:** A small sample of the stomach lining⁤ is‌ taken for examination⁣ under a microscope.


Treatment aims ‍to address the underlying cause and reduce inflammation:

* **Antibiotics:** To eradicate H. ‍pylori‌ infection.

* **Proton pump inhibitors⁣ (PPIs):** To reduce stomach acid production.

*⁣ **H2 receptor antagonists:** To block histamines that stimulate acid secretion.

* **Immunosuppressant drugs:** For autoimmune gastritis.

**Lifestyle Modifications:**

*⁤ Limit alcohol and NSAID use.

* Quit smoking.

* ‌Follow a​ healthy diet (e.g., antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables).

* Manage stress levels.


Untreated chronic gastritis can lead to:

* Stomach ulcers

* Gastric⁢ bleeding

* Scarring and thickening of the stomach lining

* Gastric cancer (rare)


Preventing H. pylori infection (e.g., through⁤ good hygiene) can reduce the risk of chronic gastritis.​ Additionally,⁤ limiting alcohol use, avoiding NSAIDs, and following a ​healthy diet can help maintain stomach health.

2 تعليقات

  1. Chronic gastritis is a long-term inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It can cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms.

  2. Chronic gastritis is a long-term inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It can cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms.

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