ما هي حمى القش (حساسية الأنف)؟

عذرا ، لم يتم العثور على وظائف.

**What is Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis)?**

**Q: What is Hay Fever?**

**A:** Hay fever,‍ also ‍known as allergic⁤ rhinitis, ⁤is a common allergic reaction to ⁣airborne⁣ allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, and pet dander. When these allergens come into contact with the nasal passages, they trigger ⁤an allergic reaction that leads to the inflammation and irritation of the‍ mucous membranes.

**Q: ‍What are the Symptoms‌ of Hay Fever?**

**A:** Symptoms of‌ hay fever can vary​ in intensity‌ but typically include:

* Sneezing

* Runny nose (clear or watery)

* Stuffy or congested nose

* Itchy eyes, nose, and throat

* Tearing or watery eyes

* Fatigue

* Headache

* Pressure or⁤ pain in the face

**Q: What Causes Hay Fever?**

**A:** Hay ‌fever is caused by an overreaction of the immune system to certain allergens. When these allergens enter the nasal passages, the body produces antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE).‍ These antibodies bind ‍to cells in the nasal lining ⁣called ‌mast ‌cells, which release⁤ histamine and other inflammatory mediators. These mediators ⁢cause the blood vessels in the nose to swell, leading to congestion and mucus production.

**Q: What are the Common ⁢Allergens​ that Cause Hay Fever?**

**A:** The most common allergens that​ trigger hay⁢ fever include:

* **Tree pollen:** released in spring and early summer

* **Grass pollen:** released in late⁢ spring and ⁢summer

* **Ragweed pollen:** released in late summer and fall

* **Dust‍ mites:** ‍tiny ⁣creatures⁤ found in bedding, carpets, and curtains

* **Pet⁢ dander:** shed by cats, dogs, and other pets

**Q: How is Hay Fever Diagnosed?**

**A:** Hay fever is diagnosed based on the patient’s ⁤symptoms ⁤and a medical history. The doctor may also perform a physical examination of the nose and throat to check for inflammation and congestion. An allergy test, such as a skin prick test ​or blood ⁣test, can identify the ⁤specific ⁤allergens‌ that trigger⁢ the symptoms.

**Q: How is Hay Fever Treated?**

**A:** The treatment for hay⁤ fever aims to reduce the symptoms and prevent further allergic reactions. Common treatment options include:

* **Medications:**

* Antihistamines: block the ‌effects of histamine

‍ * Nasal decongestants: shrink swollen nasal passages

⁢ * Nasal corticosteroids: ⁢reduce ⁢inflammation

* **Allergy shots (immunotherapy):** gradually expose the body to increasing amounts of the allergen over ⁣time, helping the​ immune system to build tolerance

* **Lifestyle changes:**

*⁢ Avoid exposure to allergens as much as possible

‌ * Use air filters or purifiers

⁣ *⁣ Take cool showers after⁢ being outdoors

‍ * ⁤Wear a mask ⁤when mowing the lawn​ or cleaning dusty areas

تعليق واحد

  1. Hay Fever (allergic rhinitis) is a common seasonal allergic reaction to pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds. It can cause symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and congestion.

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