ما هو سرطان الرئة ذو الخلايا غير الصغيرة؟

عذرا ، لم يتم العثور على وظائف.

**Q: What is Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)?**

**A:** Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer ⁤(NSCLC) is the most common type ⁤of lung cancer, accounting for about 80-85% of cases. It is a cancer that originates in the lungs’ non-small​ cell tissues.

**Q: What⁤ are the ‌different types of NSCLC?**

**A:** The main types of NSCLC are:

* **Adenocarcinoma:** The most common​ type, ‌which ⁤arises from the‍ cells that produce mucus.

* **Squamous Cell Carcinoma:** Develops from the​ flat cells lining the bronchial​ tubes.

* **Large Cell Carcinoma:**‌ A less common type with large, round-shaped cells.

**Q: What are⁢ the risk factors for NSCLC?**

**A:** Major risk factors include:

* **Smoking:** The primary cause, either current or former smoking habit.

* **Secondhand smoke exposure**

* **Family history of lung cancer**

* **Exposure to radon gas**

*⁣ **Certain occupational exposures** (e.g., asbestos,⁤ silica)

**Q: What are ⁣the symptoms⁤ of ⁤NSCLC?**

**A:** ​Symptoms can vary depending on the stage and location of the‌ cancer. Common symptoms include:

* Chronic cough or worsening⁢ cough

* Chest pain or discomfort

* Shortness of breath

* Wheezing

* Bloody or blood-tinged sputum

* ⁤Weight loss or‌ fatigue

* Fatigue

*‌ Hoarseness

**Q: How is NSCLC⁣ diagnosed?**

**A:** ⁣Diagnosis involves a combination of:

* **Imaging tests (chest X-ray, CT scan)**

* **Biopsy** to obtain ⁣tissue samples for analysis

* **Additional tests** (e.g., bloodwork, lung function‍ tests) to determine the⁢ stage‍ and treatment options

**Q: How is NSCLC ⁤treated?**

**A:** Treatment depends on various factors, including the stage, type, and overall ⁣health of the patient. Options include:

* **Surgery:**​ To remove the tumor

* **Radiation therapy:** Using high-energy ⁣beams to destroy cancer cells

* **Chemotherapy:** Administering drugs to kill cancer cells

* **Targeted therapy:** Medications ​that target‍ specific proteins or ⁢molecules involved in cancer ⁣growth

* **Immunotherapy:** Enhancing the body’s immune system to fight cancer

**Q: What is the prognosis for NSCLC?**

**A:** The prognosis varies depending on factors like the stage of‍ diagnosis, type of NSCLC, and overall patient health. **Early detection ⁢and ‍treatment improve the chances of a successful outcome.**

**Q: How can I prevent NSCLC?**

**A:** While not always avoidable, reducing risk involves:

* ⁤**Quitting smoking**

*⁢ **Avoiding secondhand smoke**

* **Installing radon ⁢detectors in your home**

* **Using proper ‍safety⁣ gear at work**

* **Maintaining a⁣ healthy weight and diet**

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