Qu'est-ce que la vaginose bactérienne?

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**What is Bacterial Vaginosis?**

**Q: What is Bacterial Vaginosis​ (BV)?**

**A:** Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is⁢ a common vaginal infection ⁢that occurs⁤ when⁣ the ‍balance​ of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted. Normally, lactobacilli‌ (good bacteria) keep the pH of the vagina acidic and prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria. In BV, ‍the ‌levels of lactobacilli decrease, allowing‌ harmful bacteria to multiply, leading ⁣to​ an⁣ increase⁢ in vaginal ‌pH.

**Q: What is the difference⁢ between bacterial vaginosis and a yeast infection?**

**A:** BV and yeast infections are two distinct conditions caused by⁢ different⁤ microorganisms. BV​ is caused by an ⁤overgrowth of⁣ bacteria, while a yeast infection ⁤is caused by an ‍overgrowth of ⁣Candida, a type of fungus. ‌Symptoms of BV include⁣ a fishy​ odor, gray or white discharge, and⁢ vaginal⁣ itching and‌ burning. Yeast⁣ infections typically cause ‌itching, burning, and cottage cheese-like discharge.

**Q:‌ What are ⁣the causes of bacterial vaginosis?**

**A:** The ‌exact cause of BV is not ⁣fully ⁣understood, but several factors are linked to its development, including:

*‌ **Douching:** Douching can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina.

* **New or multiple sexual partners:** Changes in sexual ⁢partners can introduce different types of bacteria into the vagina.

* **Antibiotic use:** Certain antibiotics can kill the​ good ⁤bacteria in the vagina, allowing⁢ harmful bacteria to grow more easily.

* **Intrauterine device (IUD):** The IUD can harbor bacteria⁣ and ⁢disrupt the ‌pH of the vagina.

* **Scented feminine ⁣products:** Products like scented soaps, wipes, or douches can irritate the vagina and ⁣alter the bacterial balance.

**Q: What are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?**

**A:** BV may ⁤not always cause symptoms, but some common ⁣symptoms include:

* Fishy odor from the vagina

*​ Thin,⁢ gray or white⁣ discharge

*​ Vaginal ​itching or burning

* Painful or ⁢burning ⁤urination

* ‍Increased vaginal dryness

**Q: How ‌is bacterial vaginosis diagnosed?**

**A:** BV is diagnosed through ⁤a pelvic exam and ⁤a review of your medical history. Your healthcare provider may also order a vaginal fluid‍ sample to confirm the diagnosis. The sample will be examined under a microscope to determine the⁤ presence and type ⁤of bacteria present.

**Q: How is bacterial vaginosis treated?**

**A:**⁤ BV treatment⁣ typically involves the use ⁤of antibiotics, either oral ‍or vaginal. Commonly used⁣ antibiotics include metronidazole or clindamycin.⁤ Treatment may be for 5-7‌ days or ‌may require a longer course. ​It’s essential to⁤ complete the entire course of antibiotics as prescribed to prevent recurrence.

**Q: How can bacterial vaginosis⁣ be prevented?**

**A:** There is no guaranteed way to prevent BV, but some measures can ⁣reduce the risk of developing it, such as:

* Avoiding douching

* Using condoms during vaginal sex

*⁣ Limiting sexual partners

* Maintaining good vaginal hygiene

* Avoiding scented feminine​ products

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