Search Results for heart-attack

What is Anaphylaxis?

...the lungs, the blood cannot get essential oxygen. Oxygen-rich blood is needed so that all cells and organs, such as the brain and heart, can work properly. The heart muscle...

What is Anemia?

Anemia, Anémie, فقر الدم
...diminished productivity Weakened immune system Fast or irregular heartbeat Heart failure Problems during pregnancy, including fatigue, premature labor and problems with fetal development[23] Increased risk of postpartum depression Good to...

What are the Signs of Stroke?

Signs of Stroke, signes d'un AVC,علامات السكتة الدماغية
...more severe than usual Vertigo, particularly when stroke affects the brain stem Nausea and vomiting Unusual breathing patterns Sudden sleepiness or difficulty waking up Transient ischemic attack A transient ischemic...