Search Results for heart-attack

What is Malaria?

...chills Sweats Paroxysms – sudden recurrences or attacks of fever, shaking chills, and sweats together – occur every 24, 48, or 72 hours, depending on the parasite species. Each paroxysm...

What is Pertussis?

الشاهوق, Pertussis, coqueluche 10 weeks. Whooping cough is characterized by severe coughing attacks ending with a ‘whoop’ sound during the next breath of air. Many people may not develop the characteristic ‘whooping...

What is Acute HIV Infection?

HIV Infection
...refers to HIV-1 unless otherwise stated.[1] HIV attacks the body’s immune cells. Without treatment, a person with HIV becomes more likely to develop infections or infection-related cancers. The last stage...

What is Uveitis?

...characterized by the body’s immune system producing antibodies to attack its own tissues, with the result, in the case of uveitis, of causing inflammation. The exact reason why the immune...