ما هو التهاب الشغاف المعدي؟

عذرا ، لم يتم العثور على وظائف.

**What is Infective Endocarditis?**

**Q1: What is‌ infective ⁤endocarditis?**

A1: Infective endocarditis (IE) is a rare but serious bacterial infection that affects the lining of the heart,⁣ or endocardium. It can also spread to the heart valves,⁢ which ⁣control blood flow through the heart.

**Q2: What causes infective endocarditis?**

A2:​ IE is usually caused by bacteria entering the bloodstream and travelling to the heart. Common‌ sources of infection ‌include skin infections, dental procedures, and urinary⁤ tract infections.

**Q3: Who is at risk for infective endocarditis?**

A3: ⁢People at higher risk for IE include those with:

* Artificial heart valves

* Congenital heart defects

* A⁢ history of IE

* Weakened immune systems

* Diabetes

**Q4: ​What are the symptoms of infective endocarditis?**

A4: Symptoms may vary depending on the ⁤severity of the infection, but common signs include:

* Fever

* Fatigue

* Chills

* Night sweats

* Muscle aches

* Cough

* Shortness of ‌breath

* Heart palpitations

*⁤ Confusion

**Q5: How is infective endocarditis diagnosed?**

A5: Diagnosis involves medical history, physical examination, blood tests (including cultures), and echocardiography (an ultrasound of the heart).

**Q6: How is infective‌ endocarditis treated?**

A6: Treatment typically involves long-term intravenous antibiotics ⁢to kill the bacteria. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair or replace damaged heart valves.

**Q7: What are the complications of infective endocarditis?**

A7: Untreated IE can lead to serious complications, including:

* Heart valve damage

* Heart failure

* Stroke

* Abscess formation

*‍ Death

**Q8: How can infective endocarditis be ⁤prevented?**

A8: Preventive⁣ measures include:

* Practicing good dental hygiene

* Seeking prompt‌ treatment​ for skin infections

* Antibiotics before dental or medical procedures for high-risk individuals

* Maintaining a healthy heart

**Additional Keywords:**

* Bacteria

* Bloodstream infection

*‍ Heart valves

* Cardiovascular⁢ disease

* Sepsis

* ⁢Antimicrobial therapy

* Prophylaxis

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