ما هي تقويم الأسنان: نظرة عامة ، الفوائد ، والنتائج المتوقعة

التعريف والنظرة العامة

Dental braces, also known as orthodontic braces, are dental devices that are primarily used to straighten or improve teeth alignment. They can be recommended for patients with crooked and overcrowded teeth, as well as under and overbite. Dental braces improve patients’ facial appearance and make proper oral maintenance easier and more effective. Therefore, they can help patients maintain good dental health in the long run.

من يجب أن يخضع للنتائج المتوقعة

Orthodontic braces are for people with:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Misaligned or asymmetrical teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Deep bite
  • Reverse bite
  • Open bite
  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Jaw problems

Patients who require orthodontic treatment can choose from a number of different options, including:

  • Fixed metal braces – These are the most commonly used orthodontic devices. Although slightly obtrusive, they are the most cost-effective way of moving teeth to a better position.
  • Removable plastic braces – Removable braces, especially those made from plastic, are used for correcting minor irregularities. They are, however, harder to use since they need to be removed and cleaned periodically.
  • Retainers – Retainers are typically used during the last stage of orthodontic treatment. Their goal is to keep the newly fixed teeth in their improved positions while the gum and bone surrounding them continue to adjust to their new position. Some retainers are fixed, while some are removable.
  • Aligner trays – Plastic aligner trays are sometimes preferred by patients who are not keen on wearing bulky metal braces. These are a series of clear dental trays that are placed over teeth. Since they are clear, they look invisible.
  • Headgear – In some cases, such as in the correction of anteroposterior discrepancies, orthodontic headgears are also used. Their purpose is to keep the jaw from moving or growing to prevent or correct problems with the shape of the jaw, which affects the positioning of the teeth, especially the molars.

Orthodontic treatment can be performed on patients as young as 12 or 13 years old when all their adult teeth already erupted. Treatment is usually more effective when performed during this stage, compared to when it is performed on adults.

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An orthodontic treatment starts with a dental exam and mouth x-rays. These are followed by taking impressions and photos of the teeth so the dentist can create an individualised treatment plan while taking into consideration the patient’s unique dental problems and circumstances. The dentist will then have the dental braces made in a dental laboratory and install them on the patient’s teeth once they’re ready.

The braces will work by moving teeth slowly towards a specific direction or position by applying pressure, which also causes the bone holding teeth in place to change shape.

Traditional metal braces work as a result of its various components, namely:

  • Brackets – These are small square objects that are bonded to the surface of each tooth.
  • Bands – Orthodontic bands are either made from stainless steel or clear materials that are bonded to the teeth, wrapping around each tooth to hold the brackets in place.
  • Spacers – These are separators that are positioned in between teeth.
  • Archwires – These are attached to the brackets with tiny elastic rubber bands and act as the guide for the movement of the teeth.
  • Ties – These are small rubber wires or rings that hold the archwire and brackets together.
  • Buccal tube – This is attached to the band of the last tooth and is responsible for holding the end of the archwire in place.

المخاطر والمضاعفات المحتملة

The use of dental braces is linked to some risks, limitations, and complications, which include:

  • Relapse, which occurs when the newly treated teeth move or shifts positions again. This typically occurs due to the improper use of retainers as instructed by the اخصائي تقويم الاسنان. However, it may also occur as a natural result of normal teeth changes related to the patient’s age.
  • Root resorption, or when the roots of the teeth shorten during or as a result of the orthodontic treatment. In severe cases, this could affect the stability of some of the teeth.
  • Decalcification, or when white marks and cavities form on the teeth. This can be prevented by flossing and brushing regularly.
  • Ankylosis, or the fusion of the tooth root to the bone. This is a serious complication but rarely occurs.
  • Periodontal problems, which may occur as a complication if the braces are not properly maintained.


  • Alfuriji S., Alhazmi N., et al. “The effect of orthodontic therapy on periodontal health.” International Journal of Dentistry. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijd/2014/585048/

  • Journal of Orthodontics and Endodontics. http://orthodontics-endodontics.imedpub.com American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. http://www.ajodo.org

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**What are Dental Braces: An Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results**


Dental braces are‍ orthodontic appliances designed to correct misaligned teeth and ‌jaws. They work by applying gentle pressure to the teeth,⁢ gradually moving them into‌ the​ desired position. Braces consist of brackets, wires, ​and bands⁢ that are attached to‍ the ⁤teeth.


* **Improved Oral Health:** Braces correct bite ‍problems ‌and⁤ crowding,⁤ which can prevent decay and gum disease.

* **Enhanced Smile Aesthetics:** Straight, ‌properly aligned teeth enhance a⁣ person’s smile and boost self-confidence.

* **Functional Benefits:** Braces can improve ⁤speech, chewing, and ‌breathing by correcting jaw alignment issues.

* **Increased Jaw Stability:** By correcting misaligned jaws, braces can ⁤improve the stability of the jaw⁣ joint and ⁤prevent future dental problems.

**Types of Braces**

* **Metal Braces:**⁢ The most common ⁣type of⁣ braces, made of ​stainless steel or titanium.

* **Ceramic​ Braces:** Brackets made of ceramic⁣ materials that are less noticeable than metal braces.

* **Lingual Braces:** Attached ‌to the ⁣back of the teeth, making them completely​ hidden.

* **Invisalign:** Clear‍ aligners‍ that are removable‌ and virtually invisible.

**Expected Results**

The outcome of orthodontic treatment with braces depends on the individual’s⁢ case. However, most‍ patients can expect:

* Improved ⁢tooth alignment ​and spacing

*‍ Corrected‌ jaw position

* Enhanced bite function

* A more ‍aesthetically pleasing smile


Orthodontic treatment​ with braces typically involves several ​stages:

*‌ **Consultation and Diagnosis:** The orthodontist assesses the patient’s teeth and jaw ‌alignment.

* **Placement of Braces:** Brackets and wires are attached to the teeth.

* **Adjustments:** The orthodontist makes periodic adjustments to the braces, tightening ​the wires‌ and⁣ repositioning the ‍brackets as needed.

* ‍**Retention:** ⁤After the teeth are straightened, a retainer⁤ is worn to maintain the⁢ new alignment.


The duration of orthodontic treatment with braces varies widely depending on the complexity of the case. ⁢However,⁣ most treatments take⁣ 12-24 months to complete.


* **Do⁢ braces hurt?** ⁢Braces can ⁤cause ​some​ discomfort ‌or ⁢soreness, especially during adjustments. ⁣However, the pain ⁣is typically ⁢mild and subsides ⁣within a few days.

*⁢ **Can you eat with ⁣braces?** While certain ⁤foods may be ⁢restricted, most patients can eat a regular diet with‌ braces. Hard, sticky, or chewy foods should ⁣be avoided.

* **How often do you need to see the‍ orthodontist?** Patients with braces typically see the orthodontist every 4-8 weeks for adjustments.

* ‍**Is‌ orthodontic⁢ treatment with braces permanent?** The results ​of orthodontic treatment with‌ braces can be permanent if the patient wears their retainer as directed.


Dental braces are⁣ orthodontic appliances that offer‌ numerous‍ benefits, including ⁢improved ​oral health, enhanced smile⁤ aesthetics, and‌ functional⁣ improvements. With proper care and follow-up, ⁣braces can deliver lasting, positive⁣ results, transforming a‌ patient’s smile and overall oral ⁢well-being.

2 تعليقات

  1. **Post Title Comment:**

    ## Comprehensive Guide to Dental Braces: Understanding the Basics, Advantages, and Anticipated Outcomes

  2. **Post Title Comment:**

    A comprehensive overview of dental braces, covering their types, benefits, and expected results.

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