ما هو التهاب الأذن الوسطى عند الأطفال؟

عذرا ، لم يتم العثور على وظائف.

## What is Pediatric Acute ‍Otitis Media?⁤ **(AOM)**


Pediatric acute otitis media (AOM) is a common bacterial or⁤ viral infection of the middle ear ‍space behind the eardrum in children. It ⁢is characterized by⁣ sudden onset‍ of ear pain, fever, and ⁣hearing loss.

**Causes and Risk Factors:**

* Most commonly caused ⁤by bacteria ⁢such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, ⁢and Moraxella catarrhalis

* Risk factors ​include:

* Age (most ⁣common ‌in children under 3 ⁤years old)

⁤ ⁣ * Exposure to respiratory infections

* Cleft palate or ​other structural⁣ abnormalities

* Attending daycare or preschool

‌ * Bottle feeding


* Sudden onset of severe ear pain, especially when lying down

* Fever

* Hearing ⁣loss⁣ or muffled speech

* Irritability or fussiness

* Difficulty sleeping

* Loss‍ of appetite

* Drainage from ‍the ear (if the​ eardrum​ ruptures)


*‍ Physical examination:

* Otoscope examination shows a red, bulging eardrum

* Pneumatic ‌otoscopy:

⁢* Pus or fluid behind the eardrum

* Tympanometry:

‍ * Measures the movement of the eardrum to detect fluid or pressure


* Antibiotics:

​ * Oral or topical antibiotics​ to kill the infection

* Pain relievers:

* Acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce fever and pain

* Warm compresses or ear ‌drops

* Elevation of the head to reduce⁤ pressure

* In severe cases, ear tubes may ​be‍ inserted ⁤to drain⁣ fluid


* Perforated eardrum

* Mastoiditis (infection of the mastoid bone behind the ear)

* Meningitis ​(infection of the brain and spinal cord)

* Hearing loss


* Vaccination against Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae type b

* Exclusive ‌breastfeeding for ⁤at⁢ least 6 months

* ⁤Avoiding exposure to secondhand ⁣smoke

* Good hand hygiene

* Regular‍ pediatrician checkups

**Additional Information:**

* AOM typically resolves within 2-3 weeks with treatment.

* Approximately 75% of⁤ children will⁣ experience at least one episode of AOM⁣ by age 3.

*‌ Recurrent AOM can⁣ be a sign​ of⁤ underlying allergies or immune system ​issues.


* Pediatric

* ⁢Acute Otitis⁤ Media (AOM)

*⁣ Middle Ear Infection

* Bacterial Infection

* Viral Infection

* Ear Pain

* Fever

* Hearing Loss

* Antibiotics

* ‍Pain Relievers

* Perforated Eardrum

* Mastoiditis

* Meningitis

* Prevention

* ‌Streptococcus pneumoniae

* Haemophilus influenzae type b

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