ما هو الجلوكوما مفتوح الزاوية؟

عذرا ، لم يتم العثور على وظائف.

**Question: What is Open-Angle Glaucoma?**


Open-angle glaucoma is a vision-threatening disease characterized‍ by increased intraocular pressure (IOP), the⁣ pressure within the eye.⁤ It is the most common type of glaucoma, affecting approximately 2-3 million people in the United States⁢ alone. Unlike angle-closure glaucoma, which involves a blockage⁢ of the eye’s‌ drainage system, open-angle glaucoma develops ⁤gradually due to a reduced ability of the eye to ⁤drain‌ fluid properly.

**Causes of Open-Angle Glaucoma:**

The exact cause of open-angle glaucoma is‍ not fully⁤ understood, but several risk factors ‍have been identified, including:

* **Age:** Risk increases after the age of 60.

* **Family history:** Having‌ a family member with glaucoma raises your risk.

* **Race:** African Americans and ⁤Hispanics are at ⁢higher risk.

* **Nearsightedness (myopia):** People with severe nearsightedness have a higher risk.

* **Diabetes and hypertension:** These conditions ‌can contribute to increased IOP.

* **Corticosteroid use:** ‍Long-term use of topical ‌corticosteroids can increase IOP.

**Symptoms of Open-Angle Glaucoma:**

Open-angle glaucoma is often asymptomatic‍ in its early​ stages. Vision loss typically occurs⁢ gradually ​and may not be noticeable until significant damage has occurred. As the condition⁤ progresses, symptoms may include:

*​ Patchy blind spots in peripheral vision

* Tunnel vision (loss of central vision)

*⁢ Pain ⁤in the eyes

* Headaches

* Nausea‍ and vomiting

**Diagnosis of Open-Angle Glaucoma:**

Diagnosis involves a comprehensive eye ‍exam, including:

* **Tonometry:** Measures IOP

* **Ophthalmoscopy:** Examines the optic nerve ⁤and retina

* **Perimetry:** Tests visual ⁣field⁢ to detect blind spots

* **Gonioscopy:** Inspects ⁤the eye’s drainage system

**Treatment for Open-Angle ⁤Glaucoma:**

Treatment aims to lower IOP and‍ prevent further vision loss. Options include:

* **Eye drops:** Medications to reduce fluid production or improve drainage.

* **Laser therapy:** Creates‍ small holes in the iris to improve fluid‌ outflow.

* **Surgery:** Inserts small drainage implants or repositions ⁢the iris.

**Prevention of⁣ Open-Angle Glaucoma:**

While there is no guaranteed way to prevent open-angle glaucoma, regular eye exams and managing⁤ risk factors can help reduce the risk. Regular checkups, especially ‍for individuals at higher risk, are ⁣crucial for early detection and timely treatment.

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