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## What is Polymyalgia Rheumatica?

**Polymyalgia ⁢Rheumatica (PMR)** is a condition characterized by widespread muscle pain and stiffness, primarily affecting people over the ⁣age ​of 50. It primarily targets the muscles of the neck, shoulders, hips, ⁤and buttocks.

**Common Symptoms:**

* Persistent aching⁢ pain and stiffness in ‍muscles

* Morning stiffness that lasts for more than an ⁤hour

* Tenderness and pain in the shoulders and hips

* Fatigue and loss of appetite

* Headaches and depression (in some⁢ cases)


The exact cause of polymyalgia ‍rheumatica is unknown, but it is believed to be⁣ an autoimmune condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks ⁣healthy tissues. ⁣Various factors, including infections and genetic predisposition, may trigger the‌ development of PMR.


Diagnosis is typically based on a combination of symptoms, physical examination, ⁣and blood tests. Blood tests may show elevated⁢ levels of inflammatory markers such ⁢as ​C-reactive‌ protein (CRP) and⁤ erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). ⁣Imaging tests like X-rays ⁣and MRI scans may also be used​ to rule⁢ out other conditions.


* **Medication:** Low-dose corticosteroids are the primary treatment for ⁣PMR. These medications effectively reduce inflammation and pain. Disease-modifying ‍antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) may be prescribed in‌ some cases.

* **Physical Therapy:** ⁣Gentle stretching and exercise can help ​improve flexibility ⁣and reduce stiffness.

* **Lifestyle Modifications:** Adequate rest and avoiding strenuous activities can help ‌manage​ symptoms.


* **Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA):** PMR‌ is associated with an increased risk of developing GCA, a condition that​ causes inflammation of the arteries.

* **Osteoporosis:** Long-term use of corticosteroids can ⁢weaken bones, increasing ⁢the risk of osteoporosis.

* **Cataracts:** Steroids used to treat PMR may‍ increase the risk of developing cataracts.


With early ‌diagnosis and appropriate treatment, most people with PMR can ‍experience significant improvement in symptoms within a few months. However, some may experience prolonged or recurring ‍symptoms. Regular monitoring by a ⁢healthcare⁤ professional is‌ essential to prevent complications and ensure optimal outcomes.

2 تعليقات

  1. “`
    Polymyalgia Rheumatica is a condition that causes pain and stiffness in the muscles, particularly in the shoulders, neck, and hips, and is most common in people over the age of 50.

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