Search Results for lung-cancer/lung-cancer-treatment

ما هو سرطان الثدي؟

سرطان الثدي
...Breast cancer treatment options‌ can include: * **Surgery:** Lumpectomy (removal of the lump) or mastectomy (removal of the entire breast) * **Radiation therapy:** Using high-energy rays to destroy سرطان cells...

ما هو سرطان المرارة؟

سرطان المرارة
**What⁢ is Gallbladder Cancer?** **Introduction:** Gallbladder ​cancer, ⁤a relatively rare but serious malignancy, affects the gallbladder, a ⁣small pear-shaped organ located under the liver. Unlike⁤ other common​ سرطانs, it ​has...