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**What is Preeclampsia?**

**Question:** What‌ is preeclampsia?

**Answer:** Preeclampsia is a ⁢serious pregnancy complication characterized ⁤by high blood pressure ⁤and protein​ in the urine (proteinuria) that develops after 20 weeks of gestation.

**Keywords**:⁤ Preeclampsia, Pregnancy Complication, High‌ Blood Pressure, Proteinuria

**Question:** What causes preeclampsia?

**Answer:** The exact cause⁢ of preeclampsia is unknown, but it⁢ is thought to involve abnormal development of the placenta, which can lead to problems with blood flow to the uterus and baby.

**Keywords**: Placenta, Blood Flow

**Question:** What are ⁣the risk factors for preeclampsia?

**Answer:** Risk factors for preeclampsia include:

* First pregnancy

* Age over 35

* Multiple pregnancies

* History of preeclampsia in previous pregnancies

*‍ Obesity

* Chronic⁤ high blood pressure

* Diabetes

* Kidney disease

**Keywords**: Risk Factors, First Pregnancy, Age, Multiple Pregnancies, History of Preeclampsia, ‌Obesity, ‍Chronic Hypertension, ​Diabetes, Kidney Disease

**Question:** What are‌ the symptoms of ⁣preeclampsia?

**Answer:** Symptoms of preeclampsia can include:

* High blood pressure

* Proteinuria

* Swelling in the ‌face, hands, ⁤and‍ feet (edema)

* Headache

* Vision⁢ changes (blurry vision, double vision)

* Nausea and vomiting

* Reduced fetal growth

**Keywords**: Symptoms, High Blood Pressure,‍ Proteinuria, Edema, Headache, Vision ‌Changes, Nausea,⁢ Vomiting, Fetal Growth Restriction

**Question:** How is preeclampsia diagnosed?

**Answer:** Preeclampsia is diagnosed through a combination of‌ blood tests, urine analysis, and physical examination.

**Keywords**: Diagnosis, Blood Tests, Urine Analysis, Physical Examination

**Question:** ⁣What is the treatment for preeclampsia?

**Answer:** The only cure for preeclampsia is delivery of the baby. In the meantime, treatment may involve:

* Medications to lower blood pressure

* Medications ⁢to prevent seizures

* Bed rest

* ‌Monitoring of fetal well-being

**Keywords**: Treatment, Delivery, Medications for Blood Pressure, Anticonvulsants, Bed Rest, ‍Fetal Monitoring

**Question:** What ​are ‍the complications of preeclampsia?

**Answer:** Complications of preeclampsia can include:

* Eclampsia ⁣(seizures)

*⁣ HELLP syndrome (liver and blood clotting problems)

* Placental abruption (premature ‍separation of the ‌placenta)

* Preterm birth

* Stillbirth

**Keywords**: Complications, Eclampsia, ⁤HELLP​ Syndrome, Placental Abruption, Preterm Birth, Stillbirth

**Question:** How can preeclampsia be prevented?

**Answer:** There is no way to prevent ⁢preeclampsia completely, but certain measures may reduce the risk, such as:

* Regular prenatal care

* Monitoring blood pressure and urine protein

* Healthy ​diet⁤ and exercise

* Avoiding excessive weight gain

**Keywords**: Prevention, Prenatal Care, Blood Pressure Monitoring, Urine Protein Monitoring, Diet, Exercise,⁤ Weight Gain

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