Search Results for gerd-symptoms

ما هو تسمم الحمل؟

تسمم الحمل
...* Kidney disease **Keywords**: Risk Factors, First Pregnancy, Age, Multiple Pregnancies, History of Preeclampsia, ‌Obesity, ‍Chronic Hypertension, ​Diabetes, Kidney Disease **Question:** What are‌ the symptoms of ⁣preeclampsia? **Answer:** أعراض of...

ما هو غثيان الصباح؟

غثيان صباحي ​empty slower, ‌making​ pregnant‌ women more susceptible⁤ to⁣ nausea. * **Psychological factors:** Stress ⁤and anxiety‍ can worsen symptoms. **Symptoms:** * Nausea * Vomiting * Food ⁤aversions or cravings *...