Search Results for high-cholesterol

What is Ectopic Pregnancy?

Ectopic Pregnancy
**What ⁣is Ectopic Pregnancy?** **Question: ​What ⁤is an ectopic pregnancy?** **Answer:** ​An ectopic pregnancy ‍occurs when a Fertilized ‍egg implants and grows outside ⁣of the main cavity‌ of the uterus...

ما هي الملاريا؟

**What is Malaria?** **Malaria** is​ a life-threatening parasitic disease that is ⁣transmitted by ⁤mosquitoes infected with the malaria parasite. ⁢It ‍primarily affects people⁢ in tropical and subtropical⁤ regions of the...

ما هو سرطان المبيض؟

سرطان المبيض ، سرطان البيض ، سرطان المبيض
...affected ovary(ies) and fallopian⁣ tubes (salpingo-oophorectomy) * **Chemotherapy:** Systemic therapy using drugs to kill cancer cells * **Radiation therapy:** Using X-rays or other high-energy beams to target‍ and destroy cancer...