Search Results for type-2-diabetes/understanding-cv-disease-diabetes

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...affects children primarily. Early diagnosis and treatment can help improve bone health and prevent long-term complications.⁤ By understanding the causes, risk factors, and prevention measures of rickets, individuals can promote...

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سرطان المرارة
...gallbladder cancer. * **Acanthosis nigricans:** A skin ⁢condition associated with type 2 داء السكري and obesity increases the risk. * **History of ⁤gallbladder‍ polyps:** Precancerous polyps in the ⁤gallbladder⁢ can lead...

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**What⁣ is a ⁣Periodontist?** Periodontists are​ specialists in periodontology, the ​branch of dentistry concerned with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of‍ gum disease and related conditions affecting the supporting structures...