Search Results for dementia-symptoms

ما هو الوردية؟

العُدّ الوردي
...face. * **Phymatous Rosacea:** Thickening and enlargement of the ⁣skin on the nose or forehead. * **Ocular Rosacea:** Affects⁣ the eyes, causing redness, dryness, and​ inflammation. **Symptoms** The symptoms of...

What is Ectopic Pregnancy?

Ectopic Pregnancy
...the abdominal cavity. **Question: What are the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy?** **Answer:** أعراض​ of an ectopic pregnancy can include: * **Abdominal pain:** Sharp,⁢ one-sided ​pain that may get ‌worse...

ما هو سرطان المرارة؟

سرطان المرارة cancer development. **Symptoms:** Gallbladder cancer often presents ⁢with non-specific symptoms that can be​ mistaken for other⁢ conditions: * **Right ‍upper quadrant abdominal⁢ pain:** Persistent​ and worsening⁢ pain in ⁤the...