Search Results for drugs/lansoprazole-oral-capsule-sprinkles

ما هو سرطان المبيض؟

سرطان المبيض ، سرطان البيض ، سرطان المبيض
...affected ovary(ies) and fallopian⁣ tubes (salpingo-oophorectomy) * **Chemotherapy:** Systemic therapy using drugs to kill cancer cells * **Radiation therapy:** Using X-rays or other high-energy beams to target‍ and destroy cancer...

ما هي الملاريا؟

...Diagnosis of malaria ​requires a ‌blood test to detect ⁣the parasite. ⁤Diagnosis‌ should be ‍prompt to prevent severe complications. **Treatment:** Treatment for malaria involves ⁢antimalarial drugs, which are prescribed ‍depending...

Best Oral Surgeon in Ahmedabad

Need oral surgery? Look to the Best Oral Surgeon in Ahmedabad. We use advanced techniques and technology to deliver the best outcomes. Dev Dental Clinic is a Best Dental Care...

ما هو مرض كرون؟

مرض كرون
**What is Crohn’s ‍Disease?** **What is Crohn’s Disease?** Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory‍ bowel disease (IBD) that can affect any part‌ of ‌the digestive tract, from ‌the mouth to...