Search Results for type-2-diabetes/oral-health

ماذا يفعل طبيب العمل؟

طبيب العمل
...exposure to chemicals, noise, and ergonomic stressors. * **Employee Health​ Monitoring:** Conducting medical examinations, ⁢screenings, and surveillance ⁣programs to ⁤monitor‍ employee الصحة⁢ and fitness for work. * **Injury and Illness...

ما هي جراحة الاستبدال الجزئي لمفصل الورك: نظرة عامة ، الفوائد ، والنتائج المتوقعة

ما هي جراحة الاستبدال الجزئي لمفصل الورك: نظرة عامة ، الفوائد ، والنتائج المتوقعة
...are advised to consult their doctor right away. References: “Partial hip replacement.” Advanced Orthopaedics. “Partial hip replacement.” University of Wisconsin, School of Medicine and Public Health. Amit K,...

What is Dentures: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

ما هو الوخز بالإبر: نظرة عامة
...Colgate Oral و Health Resource Center. “What are Dentures” Available: /trp_language] **What are Dentures?** Dentures are removable or fixed dental‍ appliances that‌ replace missing teeth. They are ⁤custom-made to...

ما هي عدوى الانفلونزا؟

عدوى الانفلونزا
...**Complications** In severe cases, influenza infection can ‍lead ⁤to complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and hospitalization. These complications are⁢ more ‍common in individuals with ⁤underlying الصحة conditions such as ‌asthma,...