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...lowered ⁤cholesterol,⁢ improved control of داء السكري, and reduced‍ risk of ​cardiovascular disease. It⁤ also improves quality of life and increases life expectancy. Types of Weight Loss Operations Gastric Bypass Surgery...

ما هو طبيب اللثة؟

**What⁣ is a ⁣Periodontist?** Periodontists are​ specialists in periodontology, the ​branch of dentistry concerned with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of‍ gum disease and related conditions affecting the supporting structures...

الاعتناء بنفسك

اعتني بنفسك، Prenant soin de vous، الاعتناء بنفسك
## The Ultimate Guide to ‍Taking Care of Yourself: A Comprehensive Q&A **Q: Why is it ‌essential to prioritize self-care?** **A:** Self-care enhances overall well-being, both physically and⁤ mentally. ‍It...