Search Results for obesity/bariatric-surgery

من هو جراح الأعصاب؟

جراح الأعصاب
...**Spinal Neurosurgery:** Treats‍ disorders of ⁢the spinal ⁤cord and vertebrae. * ⁤**Vascular⁤ Neurosurgery:** Addresses conditions ⁤that affect blood vessels in⁣ the brain or spine. * **Functional Neurosurgery:** Deals with treatments...

What is Ectopic Pregnancy?

Ectopic Pregnancy
...What causes an ectopic pregnancy?** **Answer:** Common risk factors for‍ ectopic pregnancy⁢ include: * Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) * ​Endometriosis * ‌Previous tubal surgery or infection * Use of certain...