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ما هو مرض فابري؟

ما هو مرض فابري؟ d0af49cbd7d72e1647be673883a0ccfb.png cure for⁣ Fabry disease, but treatments​ can ⁢effectively manage the symptoms and prevent‍ or slow down complications. Treatment options include: * ⁤Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT): ⁢Injections⁣ of synthetic ‍α-Gal...

ما هو مرض هشاشة العظام؟

هشاشة العظام
...preventing further bone loss and ‌managing fractures: * **Medication:** ⁤Bisphosphonates, hormone replacement therapy ‌(HRT), and teriparatide can increase bone density. *‍ **Lifestyle modifications:** Exercise, adequate calcium and ‍vitamin D intake,...