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ما هو Transtracheal (عن طريق الجلد) إدخال موسع سلك إبرة / دعامة أو أنبوب ثابت للعلاج بالأكسجين: نظرة عامة ، الفوائد ، والنتائج المتوقعة

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# ‌What Is Transtracheal (Percutaneous) Introduction of Needle​ Wire ⁢Dilator/Stent or⁢ Indwelling Tube for Oxygen Therapy? Oxygen therapy⁣ is a common medical علاج او معاملة used for a variety of medical ​conditions,...

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...‌cure for Crohn’s disease. However, علاج او معاملة can ⁢help to reduce symptoms and to prevent complications. علاج او معاملةoptions include: * Medications: Medications can help to ‍reduce inflammation ‍and to control symptoms....