Search Results for psoriatic-arthritis

ما هو التهاب الأوتار؟

التهاب الأوتار
...or trauma * Poor posture or alignment * Underlying medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, rheumatoid التهاب المفاصل) * Advancing age **Common Types of Tendonitis:** * **Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis):** Inflammation of the...

تقويم المفاصل

ما هو الوخز بالإبر: نظرة عامة usually recommended for those suffering from osteoarthritis, the most common type of التهاب المفاصل that affects constantly moving parts of the body like the knees, hips, spine, and hips. A...

ما هو النقرس؟

**What ‍is Gout?** **Q: What is Gout?** **A:** ⁣Gout‍ is a type of inflammatory التهاب المفاصل caused by a buildup of uric acid⁤ crystals in the joints. Uric acid is a...