Search Results for weakness

ما هو تلين العظام؟

تلين العظام
...levels * Kidney disorders * Certain​ medications (e.g., anticonvulsants,⁤ corticosteroids) **Symptoms:** * Bone pain and tenderness * Muscle‍ weakness * Fatigue * Bone fractures (often in older adults) * Deformities...

ما هي حمى الضنك؟

حمى الضنك حمى الضنك لا حمى الضنك
...* Fatigue and weakness * Bleeding (e.g., nosebleeds, gums) **Severe Dengue Fever (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever):** In some‌ cases,⁣ dengue fever can progress to a more severe form⁢ known as dengue...

ما هو الفتق الأربي؟

الفتق الإربي
...including: – **Congenital defects:**‍ Some individuals are born with​ a natural weakness in their abdominal wall [[2]]. – **Increased abdominal pressure:** Conditions that increase pressure within​ the abdomen, such as...