Search Results for sleep-apnea/effects-on-body

What is Measles?

...runny nose, and red, watery eyes. **Symptoms** * ⁢**Rash:** A⁤ blotchy, red rash that typically ‌starts on⁣ the face and spreads over⁣ the body. *‌ **Fever:** High fever, often​ over...

ما هو سرطان المرارة؟

سرطان المرارة
**What⁢ is Gallbladder Cancer?** **Introduction:** Gallbladder ​cancer, ⁤a relatively rare but serious malignancy, affects the gallbladder, a ⁣small pear-shaped organ located under the liver. Unlike⁤ other common​ cancers, it ​has...

ما هو مغص الأطفال؟

مغص الرضع
**Question: What is Infantile Colic?** **Answer:** Infantile colic is a common condition affecting infants, typically ⁣characterized by excessive ​crying with⁣ no identifiable cause. It is estimated to affect⁢ up to...