Search Results for heart-attack

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**Question: What is⁢ Podagra?** **Answer:** Podagra is a form of gout that affects the big toe,‌ causing severe pain, swelling, and redness. It is a common type of inflammatory⁤ arthritis....

What is Heart Imaging with Positron Emission Tomography (PET): Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

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...where the radioactive material was injected and allergic reactions to the tracer. It is important to note that such risks rarely occur. References: The American Heart Association.*]}*Attack/Positron-Emission-Tomography-PET_UCM_446359_Article.jsp#.WiXqM7T1VE4 Positron emission...

What is Asthma?

...prevent asthma attacks. ⁣They are typically taken daily. * **Rescue medications:** Rescue medications are used to relieve asthma attacks. They are typically taken when⁢ you have symptoms. **How can ​I...