Search Results for stroke/signs-symptoms-tia-mini-stroke

ما هو مرض الزهايمر؟

مرض الزهايمر
...⁢loss of nerve cells and synapses. * Mitochondrial ⁣dysfunction: Impaired energy production in brain cells. * ⁣Neuroinflammation: Activation of immune cells in the brain. **Symptoms:** Alzheimer’s disease symptoms vary, but...

ما هو التوحد؟

...neurodevelopmental disorders,⁤ which affect ‌the development of the brain and nervous system. **What ‌are the أعراض of Autism?** The symptoms ​of ASD vary widely, but generally fall into three categories:...

What is Asthma?

...of asthma?** The symptoms ⁢of asthma can vary from person to person. Some​ of the most common symptoms include: * Wheezing * Coughing * Chest tightness * ‌Shortness of breath...